New bivouac in Nikolsdorf

The bivouac site Nikolsdorf has been set up at the Walderlebniszentrum Leupoldishain in the immediate vicinity of the Forststeig and can now be used by the hiker.
For the overnight stay on the new bivouac Nikolsdorf apply the terms of use and behavior of the bivouac sites on the Forststeig. Please note that for the use of the bivouac a care contribution by devaluation of trekking tickets is payable. You can find information about buying trekking tickets on this website under Tickets.
If the bivouac is fully occupied, you can ask at the adjacent campground, if there is still a place free.
Special feature: The bivouac is located on the grounds of the forest adventure center. Please take care of events!
The forest adventure center is used for forest educational events organized by school classes, families or other groups. Please take care and avoid disruption of organized events. Keep in mind that events take place in the evening, which can lead to unrest.
The forest adventure center is used for forest educational events organized by school classes, families or other groups. Please take care and avoid disruption of organized events. Keep in mind that events take place in the evening, which can lead to unrest.