Arrival with bus and train
The Elbe Sandstone Forststeig can be reached easily by public transport. The system is simple; A standardized fare (VVO-Tarif) applies for all cummuter trains, the S-bahn, the bus and almost every ferry within Saxony. Timetables that are coordinated with one another and short distances make transfers between methods of transportation easier.
To the left of the Elbe, the RVSOE-Wanderbusse (busses) Bielatal-Linie 242, Steine-Linie 244 and Tisá-Linie 217 connect the hiking region around the Forststeig with the cities of Pirna, Königstein and Bad Schandau. These bus lines, whose timetables are coordinated with the S1 S-bahn, run for you every day during the season.
Servicebüro Pirna
Visiting address:auf dem Busbahnhof
Phone: 03501 792-160
RVSOE Bad Schandau
Servicebüro Bad Schandau
Visiting address:im Nationalparkbahnhof
Phone: 035022 41247
Trekking tickets
You can buy trekking tickets at the RVSOE service desks at the bus station in Pirna and at the Nationalparkbahnof train station in Bad Schandau.
Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst
Forstbezirk Neustadt
Postal address:Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst
Forstbezirk Neustadt
Karl-Liebknecht Str. 7
01844 Neustadt i. Sa.
Phone: +49 3596 5857-10
Telefax: +49 3596 5857-99
Further information
- Trekkingtickets-Verkaufsstellen (*.pdf, 0,30 MB)
- Verhaltenshinweise für Erholung im Wald (*.pdf, 82,35 KB)
- Allgemeine Hütteninformationen (*.pdf, 0,29 MB)
- Sicherheit beim Bergwandern - Hinweise des DAV (*.pdf, 65,92 KB)
- Erste Hilfe beim Bergwandern - Hinweise des DAV (*.pdf, 0,94 MB)
- Bergwandern planen - Hinweise aus Bayern (*.pdf, 1,19 MB)