Closure of the forest from 20.07.2022

For the protection of the forest and its visitors, from 20th July 2022 access to the forest, including all forest paths in the Saxon Switzerland National Park Region (national park and landscape conservation area) is prohibited from 9pm to 6am the following day until further notice, due to the high risk of forest fires. From 6am to 9pm in the forest the trails must not be left. (General decree of the Lower Forest Authority acc. § 13 para. 1 SächsWaldG) Excepted from this are the trekking cabins and campsites that are maintained by the Saxon Forestry Service. If you wish to stay here overnight, it is imperative to comply with the rules and not to enter the forest outside of the maintained camping places between 9pm and 6am. Any fire (including wood-burning stoves or for cooking) and smoking are universally prohibited. Please help us protect our forests! Your Saxon Forestry Service employees